wedding soji recipe

Wedding Soji Recipe

This is a much requested recipe. And I have been putting this off for many reasons. Firstly you need a crowd to eat soji and secondly I find it really hard to cook with set quantities. Almost all my meals are thumb sucked quantities and when you cook sometimes you just know how much add.

There are many versions of Soji, some people prefer it crumbly and some people prefer it ultra smooth. I like both. My mother in law makes a lovely Soji as well which she makes specifically for prayers and then there’s this soji dish which is typically served at weddings and functions which is just as good.

Before we get started, let me give you a few tips.

  • Create your milk mixture and set it aside, that way you not tempted to over add milk.
  • Use a non stick pan / pot.
  • Cook the soji on low to medium heat to avoid the soji becoming lumpy and burning.
  • Have a plastic whisk on hand In case your soji becomes lumpy.
  • Keep tasting as you go along.
  • Most Importantly, have patience, good things take time.


  • 150g butter/margerine
  • 220g Semolina/Taystee Wheat
  • Cinnamon stick
  • 2 Elachi pods
  • 425 ml milk
  • 150g sugar or (Condensed Milk or Half & Half)
  • 1/2 teaspoon egg yellow food colouring
  • 1/4 teaspoon of saffron (Pinch)
  • 1/2 tsp ealachi powder
  • Tin Cream
  • Coloured Nuts


  1. Begin by heating a non-stick pan on low heat. Add the slightly split Elachi pods and cinnamon stick to release their flavours into the dish.
  2. In a separate container, combine the milk, sugar, saffron, and egg yellow food colouring. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Set the mixture aside for now. (Bloom the saffron in a little hot water before adding to the milk)
  3. Add the semolina to the pan and let it cook for approximately 7-10 minutes on low heat, stirring occasionally.
  4. Incorporate the butter into the semolina mixture and mix thoroughly. Continue cooking for another 7-10 minutes on low heat. Stir consistently to ensure the mixture is cooked evenly. Add the Elachi powder and combine well.
  5. Gradually pour the milk mixture into the pan, stirring quickly to prevent lumps from forming. If needed, temporarily remove the pan from the heat to ensure a smooth paste consistency.
  6. Once all the milk has been added, allow the soji to thicken while cooking on low heat. Stir continuously to avoid burning or sticking to the pan.
  7. Once the soji reaches your desired thickness, remove the pan from the heat. Transfer the soji to a beautiful serving dish, ready to be served.
  8. To enhance the visual appeal, top the soji with a dollop of tin cream and garnish with coloured almonds, cashews, pecans, almonds, walnuts, sultanas, or desiccated coconut.

Serve the wedding soji warm and savour the delightful flavours it offers. I would love to hear your feedback and how your wedding soji turned out.


20 thoughts on “Wedding Soji Recipe”

  1. Wow what an absolutely amazing recipe! For years I’ve struggled to get soji just right with zero success. Priyanka my word!!! I followed your recipe and my soji come out perfect!!!! I can’t wait to make this lovely recipe for my family and friends. It’s definitely going to impress. And the best part is its so easy to do ! You tips made everything easier ! Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe.

  2. This was the most delicious soji ever!!! My first time making and it will be the only recipe I use. So simple to follow and there were no leftovers

      1. Usually I try many soji recipes and I make some mistakes, somehow something happens. This recipe is fool proof!! There’s absolutely no way anyone can get this wrong. It is absolutely delicious and easy! I will be making this often for my family now. Thanks for sharing

  3. I tried out your recipe and it was so easy to follow and tasted absolutely delicious! After trying out so many recipes i finally found the perfect one! This is now my go to recipe. Thank you for sharing

  4. An incredibly easy recipe which worked well even when dairy-based ingredients were swopped for vegan alternatives. (Plant butter, oat milk and oat cream used in place of butter, milk, cream).

  5. An incredibly easy recipe which worked well even when dairy-based ingredients were swopped for vegan alternatives. (Plant butter, oat milk and oat cream used in place of butter, milk, cream). Thanks for sharing!

    1. Tried making soji for the first time in my life and it came out perfect. With this recipe it’s difficult to go wrong. Better than any wedding soji I’ve ever eaten.

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