Vegetable Chowmein

Vegetable Chowmein Recipe

Whether you’re looking to indulge or use up those leftover vegetables, this quick and easy dish is just what you need. It’s a great way to add some fibre to your diet by incorporating seasonal veggies.

And this is my version of the dish:


  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 150g mushrooms
  • 100g spinach
  • 6 short spring onions
  • 10g ginger
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 200g egg noodles
  • 4 tablespoons oyster sauce
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar


Step 1:

Begin by combining the soy sauce and oyster sauce, ensuring that the sugar dissolves. Set this mixture aside for later use.

Step 2:

Prepare the vegetables by slicing the onions, carrots, and mushrooms. Chop the spinach and dice the ginger and garlic. Slice the spring onions into thirds, reserving some for garnishing.

Step 3:

Boil the egg noodles for approximately 5 minutes, then drain and set them aside.

Step 4:

In a wok or deep frying pan, heat some vegetable oil or sesame oil. Add the onions and mushrooms, and stir-fry over medium to high heat. Once they have cooked slightly, add the spinach and cook until it wilts. Next, incorporate the ginger and garlic, and fry the vegetables. Finally, add the carrots to the mix.

Step 5:

Introduce the cooked egg noodles to the wok along with the soy and oyster sauce mixture. Season with salt to taste. Ensure that the noodles are thoroughly coated with the sauce and evenly mixed with the vegetables. Finally, add the spring onions and give the chowmein a final toss. 

Serve it with extra spring onions and sesame seeds for garnish.

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