sausage relish

Spicy Lamb Sausage with Boerewors Tomato Relish

Indulge in the epitome of comfort with this mouthwatering Spicy Lamb Sausage dish, paired perfectly with a delectable Boerewors Tomato Relish. Served alongside creamy mashed potatoes, this recipe promises an irresistibly morish experience that will keep you coming back for seconds.

For this delightful dish, you’ll need a spicy sausage, and either chicken or lamb sausages work splendidly. The true star of the show is the Boerewors Tomato Relish; its sweet and tangy notes, combined with a touch of spice, elevate the entire meal to a new level of culinary delight.

Let’s dive into the simple recipe:


– 1 Tray of Spicy Sausages (Chicken or Lamb)

– Half an Onion, finely chopped

– 1 Green Chilli, sliced

– A handful of Curry Leaves

– 1/2 Teaspoon Turmeric

– 1 Tablespoon Chilli Powder

– 1 can Rhodes Quality Boerewors Tomato Relish

– Salt, to taste

– Fresh Coriander, for garnish


1. Begin by frying the sausages to perfection, then set them aside while you work on the relish.

2. In the same pan, sauté the finely chopped onions, sliced green chilli, and fragrant curry leaves until the onions turn translucent and bring an inviting aroma to the kitchen.

3. Now, it’s time to introduce the ground spices, adding a burst of flavours that will tantalise your taste buds.

4. Add in the Rhodes Quality Boerewors Tomato Relish and enrich the sauce with a dash of water from the can. Stir everything together harmoniously.

5. Season the relish with a pinch of salt, allowing it to simmer gently for about 10 minutes to achieve the perfect balance of flavours.

6. Finally, introduce the sausages to the relish, letting them bask in the delightful blend of spices and tangy sweetness.

7. Before serving, garnish the dish with fresh coriander, adding a final touch of freshness and aromatic goodness.

Be sure to try this dish with creamy mashed potatoes, as the combination of flavors will leave your taste buds dancing in delight. This Spicy Lamb Sausage with Boerewors Tomato Relish promises to be an unforgettable culinary adventure that satisfies both your heart and palate.

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