Paniyaram Recipe

Paniyaram Recipe

Paniyaram is a delightful South Indian snack, bite-sized dumplings that are crispy on the outside and irresistibly soft inside. These treats are crafted from a unique batter made with rice and lentils, akin to dosa or idli batter, but with a special twist.

One of the charms of paniyaram is its versatility – it can be sweet or savoury. For a sweet version, you can include ingredients like jaggery and coconut, creating a dessert-like delight. Alternatively, for a savoury kick, add ingredients like onions, green chilies, and curry leaves.


Paniyaram Batter:

  • 1/2 Cup Urad Dal
  • 1 1/2 Cups Idli Rice or Normal Rice (not basmati)
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Fenugreek Seeds
  • 1/4 Cup Poha (Flattened Rice)
  • 1 Teaspoon Salt
  • Water

Paniyaram Mix-ins (Choose Your Favorites):

  • Finely sliced or diced onions
  • Curry leaves
  • Green peppers
  • Ginger
  • Garlic
  • Carrots
  • Chilies
  • Whole spices like urad dal, mustard seeds, and cumin seeds
  • Fresh coriander


  1. Start by soaking urad dal and fenugreek seeds in one bowl, idli rice in another, and poha in a separate bowl, ensuring they’re covered with water. Let them soak for 4 hours.
  2. After soaking, grind the urad dal and fenugreek seeds into a fine consistency with a little water. You can use an ice cube to assist with the process.
  3. To check the right consistency, drop a small amount of the mix into a bowl of water – if it floats and the mix is smooth, it’s perfect. Transfer this mixture to a large bowl.
  4. Grind the soaked poha, but not as finely as the urad dal mix. Add the soaked ground rice mix to the urad dal mix without the water, along with salt. Mix thoroughly with a spatula, aiming for a rough texture, similar to raw ProNutro.
  5. Cover the bowl with cling wrap and allow it to ferment in a warm area for 12 hours, during which you’ll notice it rising slightly.
  6. After fermentation, give the mixture a light mix.
  7. In a separate pan, sauté mustard seeds and cumin seeds in ghee, then add finely sliced chilies, fresh ginger, garlic, and curry leaves. Add finely chopped onions. Once the mixture is cooked and slightly cooled, add it to the batter.
  8. Heat up the paniyaram tray on the stove, being cautious not to get burned. Add a little ghee to each mould, followed by a spoonful of the batter mixed with your chosen fillings. Fill the moulds to the brim.
  9. When you see small bubbles forming, gently turn the paniyarams using a small fork or spoon. Add a little more ghee and wait for them to turn golden and crispy.

Enjoy your freshly made paniyarams immediately! They’re great with coconut and peanut chutney, sambar, or simply with a cup of tea.

Recipe Credit: Sarvan Naidoo ( My Uncle)