Masala Dosa

Easy Dosa Recipe

My uncle generously shared his easy dosa recipe with me and guided me through the process of crafting this delicious South Indian savoury pancake.

Through this experience, I gained valuable insights and tips that I’m excited to pass on to you.

With these, you can now create an authentic South Indian dosa right in the comfort of your own kitchen


  • 1/2 Cup Urad dal 
  • 1 1/2 Cups Idili Rice or Normal Rice (not basmati)
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Fenugreek Seeds
  • 1/4 Cup Pawa (Flattened, Rice)
  • 1 Teaspoon Salt
  • Water

For an easy Potato Masala Recipe : https://inspiredbyprisfood.com/potato-masala-recipe-for-dosa/


  1. Begin by soaking urad dal and fenugreek seeds in one bowl, idli rice in another bowl, and powa in separate bowls with enough water to cover the grains. Allow them to soak for 4 hours.
  2. After soaking, grind the urad dal and fenugreek seeds with a little water (avoid adding too much) until you achieve a fine consistency. You can add an ice cube to help with this.
  3. To check if the consistency is right, take a small amount of the ground mix and drop it into a bowl of water. If it stays afloat and the mix is smooth, it’s the right consistency. Transfer this mixture to a large bowl.
  4. Now, grind the soaked powa , but don’t grind it as finely as the urad dal mix.
  5. Add the soaked ground rice mix to the urad dal mix without the water, along with salt. Mix thoroughly with a spatula. Aim for a rough texture, similar to raw ProNutro.
  6. Cover the bowl with cling wrap and let it sit in a warm area for 12 hours to ferment. You will notice that the batter rises slightly.
  7. After fermentation, give the mixture a light mix.
  8. Take a ladle full of dosa batter and pour it onto the centre of the thava. Start from the centre and use a circular motion to spread the batter outwards. The dosa should be relatively thin towards the edges and thicker in the centre.
  9. Drizzle a few drops of oil or ghee around the edges of the dosa and a little on top. This adds flavour and helps the dosa crisp up.
  10. Cook the dosa on medium heat until it starts to turn golden brown and becomes crispy. This typically takes 2-3 minutes.
  11. Dosas are traditionally served with coconut chutney, tomato chutney, sambar, or other accompaniments of your choice.

Recipe Credit: Sarvan Naidoo ( My Uncle)


Pans :

Here are a few tips for home made dosa’s. This is a South Indian dosa made with yellow potato. The batter recipe can be found in the caption. This is an ideal pan that can be found at Indian spice shops, however this a Le Creuset pan works well too.

Seasoning the Griddle: 

Before making dosas, heat your griddle (tava) to the right temperature. To check, sprinkle a few drops of water on it – they should sizzle and evaporate quickly. Then, wipe it with a little oil-soaked cloth or paper towel.

Ladle Technique:

Pour a ladleful of batter onto the centre. Use the back of the ladle to spread it evenly in a circular motion. Start from the centre and work your way out to make thin dosas.

Thinner Edges:

 Keep the edges of the dosa thinner than the centre. This helps achieve the classic crispy texture.

Oil or Ghee: 

For traditional flavour, use ghee or oil (like sesame or vegetable oil) to cook dosas. Drizzle a bit around the dosa and a little on top. It adds flavour and prevents sticking.

Low to Medium Heat: Cook dosas on medium to low heat. This ensures they cook evenly without burning.

Toppings: For Masala Dosa, place a scoop of potato masala in the centre and fold the dosa over it. You can also add finely chopped onions, green chilies, or cilantro directly onto the dosa while it cooks.

Serve Hot: Dosas are best enjoyed hot and crisp. Serve with coconut chutney and sambar for a complete South Indian meal.

Practice Makes Perfect: Making the perfect dosa may take a few tries, so don’t get discouraged. Each dosa will be better than the last as you get the hang of it.

Experiment: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different fillings or variations like cheese dosa, masala dosa, or even dessert dosas with chocolate or fruit fillings.

Versatile Batter:

This batter is now ready to be turned into dosa’s, idili’s and paniyaram’s.

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