Cheese & Corn Samoosa Filling Recipe

Cheese & Corn Samoosas Recipe

A recipe for Cheese & Corn Samoosa’s.

In this step-by-step guide, i will share how to create a batch of these irresistible samoosas that are perfect for sharing with family and friends.

Never did I ever think I would need to make Samoosa’s. It only when we lived in Cape Town I truly missed samoosas. We bought a few but they weren’t as nice as the ones you have access to in Durban and they weren’t as nice my grans samoosas.

So this was completely winged. Fortunately I measured everything. Th filling is suitable for just over 1 dozen. And if you starting off you can certainly use this recipe. If you are looking to make a bigger batch, just adjust the recipe accordingly.



  • 2 Tablespoons Oil
  • 300g Sweet Corn
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Salt
  • 50g Diced Onions
  • 3 Chopped Chillies
  • 1 Heaped Tablespoon Coriander
  • 150g Gouda or Cheddar Cheese


  • Heat Things Up:
  • Start by adding 2 tablespoons of oil to a heated pot. Once the oil shimmers, introduce the 300g of sweet corn. Allow the corn to sizzle and cook for a few minutes, releasing its natural flavours.
  • Onion Magic:
  • Incorporate 50g of diced onions into the pot, infusing the mixture with a delightful aroma. Use the lid to cover the pot, letting the onions work their magic. Watch as they transform into a translucent masterpiece of flavour.
  • Cool Down:
  • Once the corn and onions have cooked to perfection, it’s time to let them cool completely. Allow the mixture to rest, teasing your senses with the anticipation of the delicious samoosas to come.
  • Flavour Explosion:
  • To the cooled corn and onion medley, introduce the vibrant trio of 3 chopped chillies, 1 heaped tablespoon of fresh coriander, and the star of the show – 150g of luscious Gouda or Cheddar cheese. Gently fold and mix these ingredients, creating a symphony of flavours.
  • Assembly Time:
  • Prepare your samoosa pur and spoon a portion of the tantalising cheese and corn filling onto each our pocket. Seal the corners with a touch flour paste creating the iconic triangular shape that samoosas are known for.
  • Crisp Perfection:
  • Heat oil in a pan and carefully fry the filled samoosas until they reach a golden-brown perfection. Alternatively, store them in a container to freeze for later, preserving their deliciousness for a future snack attack.
  • Serve and Enjoy:
  • Present your Cheese & Corn Samoosas with a side of your favourite hot sauce, adding an extra kick to the already sensational flavours. Share these crispy delights with loved ones or savour them all to yourself – the choice is yours!

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