Butter Ghee Soji Recipe

Butter Ghee Soji Recipe (For Prayers)

If you’ve never savoured the delights of Butter Ghee Soji before, you’re in for a treat!

In my husband’s family, my mother-in-law prepares this special dish, especially for her prayers. It’s incredibly simple to whip up with just a handful of ingredients, and the richness imparted by the butter ghee is what truly elevates this Soji.


  • 500g Semolina
  • 1 1/2 Cups Softened Butter Ghee
  • 2 Cups Sugar
  • 2 Teaspoons Ground Elachi
  • 3 1/2 – 4 Cups Warm Full Cream Milk


  1. Start by adding the semolina to a medium-heated kadai and toast it for about 5 minutes.
  2. Now, gradually introduce the butter ghee, a little at a time, and mix it in thoroughly.
  3. Once the butter ghee has melted, let this delightful mix cook for 5-7 more minutes while keeping it stirred.
  4. Sprinkle in the ground elachi powder, stirring it in, and allow it to simmer for an additional 5 minutes.
  5. It’s time to add the sugar and blend everything together; at this point, the mixture will resemble wet sand.
  6. Gradually pour in the warm milk, all the while continuing to mix. Keep at it until the mixture thickens and achieves that classic soji texture.
  7. When you’re satisfied with the texture, adorn it with sliced almonds, and voila, your delectable Butter Ghee Soji is ready!

Now, let’s talk about that sumptuous texture in the recipe. The semolina, toasted to a gentle golden hue, contributes a delightful graininess to the soji. As you add the butter ghee, it seamlessly blends, creating a rich, velvety smoothness. The ground elachi powder imparts a hint of flavour, and as the warm milk melds with the other ingredients, the mixture thickens into that perfect, creamy consistency that defines a classic soji.

So, when you serve this up, you’re not just presenting a dish; you’re offering a texture-rich, flavour packed experience that will have your audience coming back for more. Enjoy!

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