Asian Vegetable Noodle Soup

Asian Vegetable Noodle Soup

This Asian vegetable noodle soup is bursting with delicious flavours, reminiscent of dining at your favourite Asian restaurant. It’s a flexible recipe, so feel free to add your preferred veggies. I personally enjoy the simplicity of mushrooms and pak choi, which you can conveniently find at your local supermarket.


  • 10g ginger
  • 10g garlic
  • 2 Green chillies
  • 150g mushrooms
  • 200g Baby Pak Choi
  • 5g chives or spring onions
  • ½ Onion
  • 1 tablespoon Soy Sauce
  • 1 tablespoon Oyster Sauce
  • 200-300 Glass Noodles
  • 1 litre vegetable stock


1. Start by heating a pot and adding the mushrooms. Sauté them until they turn a lovely brown colour.

2. Now, toss in the sliced onions, ginger, chillies, and garlic. Mix these aromatic ingredients together.

3. Quickly add the baby pak choi to the pot; it cooks fast. Combine it with the aromatic mix.

4. Pour in the 1-litre vegetable stock and add the chives or spring onions for extra flavour.

5. Season your soup with 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and oyster sauce , stirring to mix everything together.

6. Introduce the glass noodles to the pot and let it all simmer until the noodles are perfectly cooked.

7. Your delightful Asian vegetable noodle soup is ready to be savoured. Enjoy your homemade restaurant-quality meal!

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