inspiredbypris burfee recipe

Easy Burfee Recipe

In 2013, I made the decision to try my hand at baking for Diwali. I was determined to make everything absolutely perfect, so I searched the internet for various recipes. Among the numerous options I found online, there was one Burfee recipe that particularly caught my eye due to its enticing pictures. I decided to give it a go. My first attempt wasn’t the greatest, but I learned from my mistakes and, on my second try, I achieved a perfect outcome.

I’ve been relying on this same recipe for a decade now. You can find the original version on my blog, along with the link [].

Just last month, I had to whip up a smaller batch of Burfee. To ensure no wastage, I made a few adjustments to the original recipe, mainly tweaking the syrup and adjusting the ingredient quantities. This modified version contains precisely what you need to make a half batch, and it’s easily scalable if you want to make more.

If you love Burfee, you’re bound to fall head over heels for this recipe. It’s a delightful combination of fudge-like richness, creaminess, and an ideal texture. Plus, it’s surprisingly simple to prepare and moulds perfectly.


  • 1 Tin (290g) Nestle Cream
  • 1 1/4 Cups Of Milk
  • 500g Instant Milk Powder
  • 3/4 Cup Caster Sugar
  • 1 1/4 Cup Icing Sugar
  • 40g Butter
  • 1 Teaspoon Rose Essence
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Ground Cardamom


  1. Rub half the tin the Nestle cream into the milk powder until it resembles large crumbs.
  2. Cover with Cling Wrap and allow to rest, preferably overnight.
  3. In the morning, break up any visible lumps by blitzing batches of the powder in a food processor.
  4. Sift the blitzed milk powder (Sieve twice for a smoother burfee).
  5. In a pot, add in butter, milk, icing sugar, 1/2 tin of Nestle cream and castor sugar. Mix until everything is dissolved.
  6. Bring to a boil for about 3 minutes. DON’T OVERCOOK THE SYRUP.
  7. Add the syrup into the fine milk powder with a ladle, a little at a time, and mix until you get a thick fudge-like consistency. Use a little syrup at a time.
  8. Flavor with the rose essence and cardamom.
  9. Immediately mould into desired shapes or pat into a square dish.
  10. This must be done quickly because the burfee sets very fast.
  11. Decorate as desired, ideally with coloured almonds.
  12. Refrigerate the burfee overnight for best results.
  13. Store in a cool, dry place until ready to serve.


  1. This Burfee recipe makes about 2 dozen big squares.
  2. It can be moulded.
  3. It freezes well and can be stored in the freezer for months.
  4. It can be turned into truffles.
  5. It can be flavored with different flavourings.