Udon Vegetable Noodles

Tofu Udon Noodles

I recall the first time I tasted Udon noodles. I was in awe. The springy texture and incredible chewiness of Udon noodles combined with a rich, umami-infused sauce will leave your taste buds craving for more.


  • 200g Udon Noodles
  • 2 Squares of Tofu, Coated in Corn Starch
  • 1/2 Cup Sliced Mushrooms
  • 200g Chopped Spinach
  • 1/2 Sliced Onion
  • 3 Cloves Garlic, Sliced
  • 1/4 Cup Spring Onions
  • 5 Tablespoons Vegetarian Oyster Sauce
  • 1 Teaspoon Red Chili Paste (Optional)
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Salt


  1. Begin by slicing the tofu and coating it generously with cornstarch, ensuring all sides are covered. Fry the tofu over medium heat until it turns a golden brown. Set it aside.
  2. In a separate bowl, soak the Udon Noodles in hot water until they are soft. Drain and set them aside.
  3. Using the same pan you used for the tofu, add the sliced onions, green chillies, spring onions, and garlic. Sauté them until they become fragrant and tender.
  4. Introduce the sliced mushrooms to the pan, along with the chopped spinach. Cook until the vegetables are nicely softened.
  5. Add the vegetarian oyster sauce to the pan, coating the vegetables and noodles evenly. For a hint of spice, you can also add the optional red chili paste at this stage.
  6. Season your with a pinch of salt, enhancing the flavours. Now, gently fold in the golden tofu to add a delightful contrast in texture.
  7. Finish off your dish with a sprinkle of fresh spring onions, and it’s ready to be served and enjoyed.
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