Tofu Stir Fry With Sprouts

Tofu and Sprout Stir Fry

Are you ready to tantalise your taste buds with this delightful tofu and sprout stir fry? It’s a flavour-packed dish that allows you to get creative with your favourite veggies. Plus, it’s a breeze to prepare!


  • 400g Tofu
  • 100g Bean Sprouts
  • 1 Cup Fresh Spinach
  • 150g Mushrooms
  • 1 Tablespoon Crushed Garlic
  • 1 Sliced Onion
  • 1 Red Chilli, Sliced
  • 2 Tablespoons Chopped Spring Onions
  • 3 Tablespoons Vegetarian Oyster Sauce (Mushroom-based)
  • 2 Tablespoons Corn Starch
  • 1/4 Cup Water
  • Sesame Seeds for Garnish


  1. Begin by heating a pot. Add crushed garlic, sliced red chilli, and onions. Sauté them until they turn golden brown.
  2. Add in the sliced mushrooms, fresh bean sprouts, and spinach. Stir-fry these delicious ingredients until they are tender and well-cooked.
  3. Now, introduce the fried tofu to the mix. Pour in the vegetarian oyster sauce (made from mushrooms) and blend everything together until it’s perfectly incorporated.
  4. In a separate bowl, create a slurry by mixing corn starch and water. Gradually pour this into the stir-fry while stirring continuously. Watch as the sauce thickens beautifully.
  5. Finish off your creation by adding chopped spring onions for a burst of freshness. Don’t forget to sprinkle sesame seeds on top for that extra crunch and flavour.


Pair this mouthwatering tofu and sprout stir fry with fragrant jasmine rice. It’s a match made in food heaven, and you’re in for a delightful dining experience!

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