Thai Green Curry

Thai Green Curry

If you’re looking for a tasty Thai Green Curry recipe that’s super simple, look no further. This dish bursts with incredible flavours, thanks to ingredients like green chilies, galangal, garlic, shallots, and coriander. I’ll even spill the beans on a homemade green curry paste recipe soon!


  • 1/2 Onion
  • 1 Red Chilli
  • 1/2 Punnet Mushrooms
  • 1 Cup Sliced Red Peppers
  • 1 Cup Broccoli
  • 50g Green Curry Paste (I’m using a delicious vegetarian one)
  • 1 Tin Coconut Milk
  • Fresh Coriander for garnish


  1. Heat up a pan and sauté those onions and chilies along with your choice of veggies until they’re halfway cooked.
  2. Once your veggies are ready, take them out of the pan. In the same pan, add a touch of olive oil and give your green curry paste a quick fry for 1-2 minutes.
  3. Gradually add in the coconut milk, mixing it well with the paste. Once it’s all nicely blended, reintroduce your cooked veggies. Let the green curry simmer for a few minutes.
  4. Finish it off with a sprinkle of fresh coriander and serve it up with some rice.

There you have it – a scrumptious Thai Green Curry that’s easy to whip up and perfect for impressing your taste buds. Enjoy! 🍛😋

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