Butternut Risotto Recipe

Easy Butternut Risotto

Risotto is a delightful dish that allows you to get creative with your favourite ingredients. You can keep it simple or add your choice of veggies. Today, let’s make a delicious butternut risotto that serves 4.


  • 750g Butternut (Half sliced, half cubed)
  • 1 Cup Risotto Rice
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 1 Cinnamon Stick
  • 1 tsp Diced Garlic
  • 1/4 tsp Chilli Flakes
  • 1 litre Vegetable or Mushroom Stock
  • 1 Sprig Thyme
  • 50g Parmesan Cheese
  • 1 tbsp Butter


  1. Begin by slicing half of the butternut into half-moon slices and cubing the other half. Place them on a baking tray, season with salt, pepper, and a drizzle of olive oil. Bake at 180-190 degrees for 20 minutes.
  2. In a heated pan, add thinly sliced onions, a cinnamon stick, diced garlic, thyme, and chilli flakes. Cook until the onions turn caramelised.
  3. Once the cubed butternut is cooked, blend it with a bit of vegetable stock to create a smooth puree.
  4. To the caramelised onions, add the risotto rice and mix well.
  5. Gradually add the vegetable stock, stirring until the risotto absorbs the liquid. Keep repeating this process until the risotto starts to swell and looks cooked.
  6. When the risotto is more than halfway done, add the butternut puree and incorporate it.
  7. As the risotto finishes cooking, add fresh parsley, Parmesan cheese, salt, and a knob of butter. Let it simmer for 10 more minutes.
  8. Serve the risotto on a plate, top it with the half-moon butternut slices, sprinkle Parmesan cheese and parsley, drizzle with olive oil, and enjoy!