Chicken Carnitas Recipe

Chicken Carnitas Tacos Recipe

Indulge in the vibrant world of Mexican cuisine with this mouthwatering Chicken Carnitas Tacos recipe. Inspired by the unforgettable flavours of Los Tacos No.1 in New York, this dish combines the perfect blend of savoury, spicy, and sweet notes, enhanced by delightful salsas.


– 1 kg Chicken Thighs/Breasts

– 1 Heaped Teaspoon Crushed Garlic

– 1 Heaped Teaspoon Ginger Garlic Paste

– Siete Carnita Spice OR Create Your Own Blend

– 4 Pineapple Slices

– 1/2 Onion

– 1 Heaped Tablespoon Coriander

– 1 Tablespoon Lime Juice

– 1 Cup Chicken Stock

– 1 Jalapeño, Diced


– 1/2 Teaspoon Garlic Powder

– 1/2 Teaspoon Black Pepper

– 1/2 Teaspoon Onion Powder

– 2 Tablespoons Lime Juice

– 1 Teaspoon Salt

– 1/2 Teaspoon Cumin Powder

– 1 Teaspoon Chilli Powder

– 1 Teaspoon Oregano

– 1/2 Teaspoon Chilli Flakes

– 1 Bay Leaf

– 1/4 Teaspoon Citric Acid


1. Marinate the chicken with ginger and garlic paste, Carnita spice, and crushed garlic. For best results, let it marinate for a couple of hours or overnight.

2. Achieve a delectable golden hue by searing the pineapple slices on each side.

3. Sear the chicken thighs, ensuring a delicious caramelisation on both sides.

4. Enhance the flavour with onions, coriander, and sliced Jalapeños.

5. Deglaze the Instant Pot with 1 cup of chicken stock.

6. Place the chicken thighs back into the pot and top with pineapple slices. Cover and slow cook for 25 minutes.

7. Once the chicken is tender and cooked to perfection, remove it from the liquid and shred using two forks.

8. Elevate the taste by blending the leftover stock and caramelised pineapples, then add in the shredded chicken and mix thoroughly.

9. Savour the moment as you taste for seasoning, adding more jalapeños or a squeeze of lime juice if desired.

Serve these tantalising carnitas on a warm taco shell, allowing your taste buds to revel in the incredible combination of flavours. For added delight, garnish with coriander, jalapeños, onions, pineapple, and avocados.

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