Toum Recipe

A Homemade Garlic Toum Recipe! 

My initial rendezvous with Toum occurred in Dubai, where it was tucked into a chicken wrap. 

Toum is a creamy, flavourful garlic sauce that originates from Middle Eastern cuisine, particularly Lebanon. It’s known for its strong garlic flavour and is often used as a condiment or dip for various dishes, including grilled meats, sandwiches, and falafel. 

The experience left me awe-struck by the harmonious blend of garlicky goodness, succulent chicken, and the exceptional wrap. I spent some time researching and finally developed a recipe with a small amount ingredients thats required to make traditional Toum.

I wholeheartedly encourage you to give it a try, especially if you’re a fan of garlic. You won’t be disappointed by this flavourful delight!

This authentic recipe combines the bold essence of garlic, the zing of lemon juice, and the richness from the oil. I suggest using a neutral vegetable oil.


  • About half a cup of peeled garlic cloves
  • 1/2 to 3/4 cup of Canola oil (adjust to reach desired consistency)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt (adjust to taste)
  • Juice from half a lemon


  1. Start by placing your peeled garlic cloves in a food processor or blender.
  2. Add 1/2 teaspoon of salt to the garlic. You can adjust the salt later to suit your taste.
  3. Begin blending the garlic and salt mixture. Gradually add olive oil in a steady stream while blending. Start with 1/2 cup of oil and add more as needed to achieve a smooth, thick creamy consistency. I used 3/4 Cup of oil as I wanted a mayonnaise consistency. Traditional Toum is thickish.
  4. As you blend, you’ll notice the mixture thickening. Continue blending and adding oil until it reaches the desired thickness, it needs to be thick and fluffy.
  5. Once you achieve the right consistency, squeeze in the juice from half a lemon. Blend for a few more seconds to incorporate the lemon juice.
  6. Taste your garlic Toum and adjust the seasoning if necessary. You can add more salt or lemon juice to suit your preferences.
  7. Transfer the garlic Toum to a jar or airtight container. Store it in the refrigerator, and it will keep for about a week. ( This can be frozen as well.)

Enjoy your homemade garlic Toum with your favourite dishes! 😊

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